Thermal performance assessment and certification for new dwellings, units, apartments, extensions, alterations and additions.
Surfcoast TPER specialise in Thermal Performance Assessment and Certification (Energy Rating) for new homes and units/apartments.
Much of Surfcoast TPER’s work involves the Assessment and Certification of extension/alteration/additions. The NCC/BCA acknowledges it is often difficult or cost prohibitive for an existing dwelling with new work (extension/alteration/addition) to meet the normal 6 star standard. The NCC/BCA requires the new work to be of at least 6 stars and for the overall project to show an improvement in the thermal efficiency over the existing dwelling. Surfcoast TPER has had much success in appealing to the Registered Building Surveyor/Certifier’s use of discretion to allow partial compliance if it is considered that reaching 6 stars would cause ‘excessive hardship’ (compared to the resulting benefit), or be technically unfeasible.
To enable Surfcoast TPER to make a thermal performance assessment, the following information is required:
- Preliminary Working Drawings or Final Working Drawings,
- Construction materials including colour of external wall and roof cladding, floor coverings, vents and penetrations, external shading devices,
- Window and Door Schedule including Uw and SHGCw values,
- Proposed Insulation Schedule,
- External obstructions including fences, neighbouring buildings, protected trees,
- Topographical features including ‘cut and fill’ levels, slopes and major contours,
- Most importantly, the location of True North.
The Surfcoast TPER assessment and certification process
Stage 1: preliminary assessment
A preliminary assessment is simulated using BERS Pro software and our suggested recommendations/alternatives (if needed) to achieve compliance.
Stage 2: Certification
Once the agreed alternatives are reached a Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme Certificate is issued and the Final Working Drawings and Specifications are digitally stamped and emailed to you.
Email your plans and specifications in pdf format to Surfcoast TPER for a quotation/fee proposal. We’ll respond within 24 hours. You’ll find Surfcoast TPER fees are very competitive.
Surfcoast TPER understands time is of the essence. Upon receiving all the required information your compliance Certificate will be issued within 2 working days. We’ll rate your plans, digitally stamped and certified, saving you time and money.